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- ==========================================================================
- eMail VOICELink Version 3.00 for Macintosh
- Copyright(c) 1999 by Softlink, Inc.
- ==========================================================================
- Content
- -------
- 1. Feature List
- 2. System Requirements
- 3. Setup eMail VOICELink
- 4. Trouble Shooting
- 5. FAQ
- 6. Technical Support
- 1. Feature List
- ---------------
- - eMail VOICELink allows you to personalize your email messages through
- the power of voice.
- - Send voice messages across the world without the cost of long distance
- phone calls.
- - Use the address book provided with your eMail VOICELink software or
- import one supplied with your standard email package.
- - Offers numerous graphical templates and clip art images to enhance your
- voice messages.
- - Attach an eMail VOICELink player to ensure that a first time recipient
- can view your message.
- - eMail VOICELink works with all major email packages
- (Netscape Mail, Eudora, Microsoft Outlook, etc., ...).
- 2. System Requirements
- ----------------------
- - Apple Macintosh, Power Macintosh, or PowerBook Computer
- - Mac OS 8.0 or later
- - 16 MB RAM
- - 45 MB available disk space
- - 16-bit sound card
- - Microphone (can use the built-in microphone provided with your system)
- - Modem or network card supporting TCP/IP or PPP
- - Access to a SMTP mail server
- - Email software that accepts and sends attachments
- 3. Setup eMail VOICELink
- ------------------------
- You are required to specify the following before you can send
- an eMail VOICELink message:
- 1. Mail Server
- - Select Preferences from the Edit menu on the main window.
- - Click the Mail tab.
- - Specify an SMTP mail server name (make sure that the Use Internet
- Config Values box is not checked). If you do not know the name
- of your mail server, contact your Internet Service Provider
- or read "How do I find my SMTP server name?" in the Frequently
- Asked Questions section of this document.
- 2. Your Email Address (which will appear as the return address in your
- eMail VOICELink messages).
- - Select Preferences from the Edit menu on the main window.
- - Click the User tab.
- - Specify an Email address (make sure that the "Use Internet
- Config Values" box is not checked).
- 4. Trouble Shooting
- -------------------
- Problem: eMail VOICELink crashed in the middle of sending a message.
- Solution: This is sometimes caused by a poor or busy connection between
- your computer and your mail server. Try to resend the message.
- If it still fails, try restarting a new session with your mail
- server and then resend the message.
- Problem: Voice Recording does not work.
- Solution: If you are using an external microphone, make sure that it is
- connected properly to your sound card. After confirming the
- connection (or, if you are using a built-in microphone), select
- SimpleSound from the Apple menu.
- Activate SimpleSound and then select New from the File menu.
- The SimpleSound recording controls appear. Use the controls to
- record a sample of your voice. Rewind the recording and play
- it back. If the recording works with SimpleSound, it should
- also work with eMail VOICELink.
- Problem: Static when recording.
- Solution: If there is too much static on your voice recordings, try to
- hold the microphone closer to your mouth when speaking. You
- can also try lowering the volume.
- 5. Frequently Asked Questions
- -----------------------------
- Q: How do I find my SMTP server name?
- A: The following is a list of the SMTP server names for some common
- mail service providers:
- * At&T Worldnet: mailhost.worldnet.att.net
- * Compuserve Internet: mail.compuserve.com
- * EarthLink: smtp.earthlink.net
- * Netcom: smtp.ix.netcom.com
- * PacBell: mail.pacbell.net
- * Prodigy Internet: smtp.prodigy.net
- * Ameritech (Ohio): mailhost.day.ameritech.net
- * GTE: smtp.gte.net
- * MSN: secure.smtp.email.msn.com
- NOTE: Hotmail does not use an SMTP server and does not allow a
- connection from eMail VOICELink.
- If your service provider is not listed above, you can find the
- SMTP name by following the applicable instructions below.
- * With Netscape Communicator: From the Edit menu, select
- Preferences. Expand the Mail & Groups item and select Mail
- Server. The SMTP server name is in the Outgoing mail (SMTP)
- server text box.
- * With Microsoft Outlook 98: From the Tools menu, select
- Services. Select the Services tab and highlight Internet
- E-mail. Click the Properties button and select the Servers
- tab. The SMTP server name is in the Outgoing mail (SMTP) text
- box.
- * With Microsoft Outlook Express: From the Tools menu, select
- Accounts. Select the Mail tab and highlight the corresponding
- mail account. Click the Properties button and select the
- Servers tab. The SMTP server name is in the Outgoing mail
- (SMTP) text box.
- Q: How can I be sure the person I send an eMail VOICELink message to
- will be able to play the message?
- A: eMail VOICELink enables you to attach a special message player to
- your messages to ensure that the person receiving your message
- can view it exactly as it was recorded. When you address the
- message, click the appropriate Operating System (Macintosh or
- Windows) for the player.
- NOTE: If your email program cannot automatically launch the eMail
- VOICELink Player, you need to save the message attachment as a
- file and then double-click the file independently.
- Q: How do I reply-to or forward an eMail VOICELink message?
- A: After playing the eMail VOICELink message, open the eMail VOICELink
- window and click Reply or Forward. Remember to attach an eMail
- VOICELink Player if you are not sure if the message recipient has
- one.
- Q: What do I do if the message process fails in the middle of sending
- a message?
- A: This problem could have been caused by a poor or busy connection
- between mail servers. Try to send the message again at a later
- time or restart your network connection.
- Q: What do I do if I don't have access to a SMTP server?
- A: You can still use eMail VOICELink by saving the message as a file
- with the .smg extension in a folder. Then, when you prepare a
- regular email message with your email program, you can attach the
- eMail VOICELink message file to your email message.
- 6. Technical Support
- --------------------
- Contact Softlink's Technical Support Department:
- Softlink, Inc.
- 2041 Mission College Blvd., Suite 259
- Santa Clara, CA 95054
- Tel: 408-970-3370
- Fax: 408-496-6110
- Email: support@inChorus.com
- Web: http://www.inChorus.com/support.htm
- or, select "Technical Support" from the Help menu.